Andrew Thompson

Graduate Research Assistant
 aft5212 (at) psu (dot) edu

Research Interests: Control Systems, Optimal Control, Hypersonic Vehicles


  • M.S. Mechanical Engineering – The Pennsylvania State University (December 2023)
  • B.S. Mechanical Engineering - University of Delaware (May 2021)
  • B.S. Computer Science - University of Delaware (May 2021)


  • Modeling and optimization of hypersonic vehicle trajectories (co-advised with Puneet Singla)
  • Co-design of propulsion, power, and thermal management systems


  1. J. Glunt, J. Siefert, A. Thompson, and H. Pangborn, “Error Bounds for Compositions of Piecewise Affine Approximations,” 2024. [arXiv]
  2. J.A. Siefert, T.J. Bird, A.F. Thompson, J.J. Glunt, J.P. Koeln, N. Jain, and H.C. Pangborn, “Reachability Analysis Using Hybrid Zonotopes and Functional Decomposition," 2024. [arXiv]
  3. J. Siefert, A. Thompson, J. Glunt, and H. Pangborn, “Set-valued State Estimation Using Hybrid Zonotopes,"  IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2023.
  4. A. Thompson, A. Iezzi, H. Pangborn, R. Madabhushi, and O. Atassi, “Combined Design and Open-loop Control Optimization for Propulsion, Power, and Thermal Management of Hybrid-electric Aircraft,” IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, 2023.

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