
Journal Publications:

  1. Robbins, J.A., Siefert, J.A., Brennan, S., and Pangborn H.C., "Mixed-Integer MPC-Based Motion Planning Using Hybrid Zonotopes with Tight Relaxations," 2024. [arXiv]
  2. Yu, Y., Huang, D., Park, S., and Pangborn H.C., "Learning Networked Dynamical System Models with Weak Form and Graph Neural Networks," 2024. [arXiv]
  3. Siefert, J.A., Bird, T.J., Thompson, A.F., Glunt, J.G., Koeln, J.P., Jain, N., and Pangborn, H.C., “Reachability Analysis of Nonlinear Systems Using Hybrid Zonotopes and Functional Decomposition," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2025.
  4. Bird, T.J., Pangborn, H.C., Jain, N., and Koeln, J.P., “Hybrid Zonotopes: A New Set Representation for Reachability Analysis of Mixed Logical Dynamical Systems, Automatica, 2023. [PDF]
  5. Aksland, C.T., Tannous, P.J., Wagenmaker, M.J., Pangborn, H.C., and Alleyne, A.G., “Hierarchical Predictive Control of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Integrated Power, Propulsion, and Thermal Management System,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2022. [PDF]
  6. Siefert, J.A., Bird, T.J., Koeln, J.P., Jain, N., and Pangborn, H.C., “Robust Successor and Precursor Sets of Hybrid Systems Using Hybrid Zonotopes,” IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2022. (jointly submitted to CDC 2022) [PDF] [Video]
  7. Siefert, J.A., Leister, D.D., Koeln, J.P., and Pangborn, H.C., "Discrete Reachability Analysis with Bounded Error Sets," IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2021. [PDF] [Video] (jointly submitted to ACC 2022)
  8. De Castro, R., Pereira, H., Araujo, R.E., Barreras, J.V., and Pangborn, H.C., “qTSL: a Multi-Layer Control Framework for Managing Capacity, Temperature, Stress and Losses in Hybrid Balancing Systems," IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology, 2021. [PDF]
  9. Snyder, G.J., LeBlanc, S., Crane, D., Pangborn, H., Forest, C.E., Rattner, A., Borgsmiller, L., and Priya, S., “Distributed and Localized Cooling with Thermoelectrics Automated On-Demand Heating and Cooling Could Transform Energy Use,” Joule, 2021. [PDF]
  10. Koeln, J.P., Pangborn, H.C.,  Kawamura, M., Williams, M.A., and Alleyne, A.G., “Hierarchical Control of Aircraft Electro-Thermal Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2019. [PDF]
  11. Peddada, S.R.T., Herber, D.R., Pangborn, H.C., Alleyne A.G., and Allison J.T., “Optimal Flow Control and Single Split Architecture Exploration for Fluid-Based Thermal Management,” Journal of Mechanical Design, 2019. [PDF] [GIT]
  12. Pangborn, H.C., Koeln, J.P., Williams, M.A., and Alleyne, A.G., “Experimental Validation of Graph-Based Hierarchical Control for Thermal Management,” ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 2018. [PDF]
  13. Williams, M.A., Koeln, J.P., Pangborn, H.C., and Alleyne, A.G., “Dynamical Graph Models of Aircraft Electrical, Thermal, and Turbomachinery Components,” ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 2018. [PDF]
  14. Pangborn, H.C., Hey, J.E., Deppen, T.O., Alleyne, A.G., and Fisher, T.S., “Hardware-in-the-Loop Validation of Advanced Fuel Thermal Management Control,” Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 2017. [PDF]
  15. Pangborn, H.C. and Alleyne, A.G., “Switched Linear Control for Refrigerant Superheat Recovery in Vapor Compression Systems,” Control Engineering Practice, 2016. [PDF]
  16. Pangborn, H.C., Alleyne, A.G., and Wu, N., “A Comparison between Finite Volume and Switched Moving Boundary Approaches for Dynamic Vapor Compression System Modeling,” International Journal of Refrigeration, Volume 53, May 2015, Pages 101-114. [PDF]

Conference Publications and Presentations:

  1. Robbins, J.A.Thompson, A.F., Brennan, S., and Pangborn H.C., "Energy-Aware Predictive Motion Planning for Autonomous Vehicles Using a Hybrid Zonotope Constraint Representation," American Control Conference, 2025.* (accepted) [arXiv]
  2. Robbins, J.A., Brennan, S.B., and Pangborn, H.C., Efficient Solution of Mixed-Integer MPC Problems for Obstacle Avoidance Using Hybrid Zonotopes,” IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2024.*
  3. Ahuja, N., Bhaskar, K., Martin, J.D., Rahn C.D., and Pangborn, H.C., MPC-based Real-time Energy Management of Freight Hybrid Locomotives,” Modeling, Estimation and Control Conference, 2024.*
  4. Harnett, S.J., Brennan, S., Pangborn, H.C., Pentzer, J., and Reichard, K., "Identifying and Mitigating the Challenges with Vehicle Path Planning in the Presence of Dynamic Obstacles," Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering and Technology Symposium, 2024.
  5. Koeln, J.K., Bird, T.J., Siefert, J.A., Ruths, J., Pangborn, H.C., and Jain, N., "zonoLAB: A MATLAB toolbox for set-based control systems analysis using hybrid zonotopes," American Control Conference, 2024.* [GIT]
  6. Bird, T.J., Siefert, J.A., Pangborn, H.C., and Jain, N., "A Set-based Approach for Robust Control Co-design," American Control Conference, 2024.*
  7. Park, S. and Pangborn, H.C., "Multi-Timescale System Separation Via Data-Driven Identification within a Singular Perturbation Framework," American Control Conference, 2024.
  8. Glunt, J.J.Siefert, J.A.Thompson, A.F., and Pangborn, H.C., “Error Bounds for Compositions of Piecewise Affine Approximations,” IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems2024.
  9. Siefert, J.A.Thompson, A.F.Glunt, J.J., and Pangborn, H.C., "Set-valued State Estimation Using Hybrid Zonotopes,"  IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2023.
  10. Glunt, J.J., Siefert, J.A., Pangborn, H.C., and Brennan, S.B., "Challenges in Integrating Low-level Path Following and High-level Path Planning Over Polytopic Maps," Modeling, Estimation and Control Conference, 2023.*
  11. Li, H., Pangborn, H.C., and Kovalenko, I., “A System-level Energy Efficient Digital Twin Framework for Runtime Control of Batch Manufacturing Processes,” IEEE 19th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, 2023.
  12. Lord, J., Mohamed, A., Hasan, M.S., Najem, J., and Pangborn, H.C., "Optimization of Neuron-Inspired Biomolecular Neuristor Action Potentials," ASME Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures, and Intelligent Systems, 2023.
  13. Park, S. and Pangborn, H.C., “Lifted Graph-based Modeling for Linear Predictive Control of Nonlinear Energy Systems,” IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, 2023.*
  14. Thompson, A.F., Iezzi A.J., Pangborn, H.C., Madabhushi, R.K., and Atassi, O.V., “Combined Design and Open-loop Control Optimization for Propulsion, Power, and Thermal Management of Hybrid-electric Aircraft,” IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, 2023.*
  15. Yu, Y., Park, S., Huang, D., and Pangborn, H.C., “Towards Automated Timescale Decomposition for Graph-based Hierarchical Control of Electrified Aircraft Systems,” AIAA Aviation, 2023. [PDF]
  16. Siefert, J.A., Bird, T.J., Koeln, J.P., Jain, N., and Pangborn, H.C., “Successor Sets of Discrete-time Nonlinear Systems Using Hybrid Zonotopes,” American Control Conference, 2023. [PDF] [Video]
  17. Siefert, J.A., Bird, T.J., Koeln, J.P., Jain, N., and Pangborn, H.C., “Robust Successor and Precursor Sets of Hybrid Systems Using Hybrid Zonotopes,” IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2022. (jointly submitted to L-CSS) [PDF] [Video]
  18. Park, S. and Pangborn, H.C., “Noncausal Lifting Linearization for Nonlinear Dynamic Systems Under Model Predictive Control,” IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2022. [PDF] [Video]
  19. Bird, T.J., Jain, N., Pangborn, H.C., and Koeln, J.P., “Set-Based Reachability and the Explicit Solution of Linear MPC using Hybrid Zonotopes,” American Control Conference, June 2022. [PDF] (recipient of ACC 2022 Student Best Paper Award)
  20. Siefert, J.A., Leister, D.D., Koeln, J.P., and Pangborn, H.C., "Discrete Reachability Analysis with Bounded Error Sets," American Control Conference, June 2022. [PDF] [Video] (jointly submitted to L-CSS)
  21. Park, S. and Pangborn, H.C., “Power and Thermal Management with Battery Degradation for Hybrid Electric Vehicles,” IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, August 2021.* [PDF] [Video]
  22. De Castro, R., Pereira, H., Araujo, R.E., Barreras, J.V., and Pangborn, H.C., “Multi-Layer Control for Hybrid Balancing Systems,” IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, August 2021.* [PDF] [Video]
  23. Nash, A.L., Pangborn, H.C., and Jain, N., "Robust Control Co-Design with Receding-horizon MPC," American Control Conference, May 2021.* [PDF] [Video]
  24. Pangborn, H.C., Laird, C.E., and Alleyne, A.G., "Hierarchical Hybrid MPC for Management of Distributed Phase Change Thermal Energy Storage Under Pulsed Loading," American Control Conference, July 2020.* [PDF] [Video]
  25. Pangborn, H.C. and Alleyne, A.G., “Cooperativity and Hierarchical MPC of State-Constrained Switched Power Flow Systems,” American Control Conference, July 2019.* [PDF] (recipient of ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division Energy Systems Technical Committee Best Paper Award)
  26. Tannous, P.J., Docimo, D.J., Pangborn, H.C., and Alleyne, A.G., “Hierarchical Estimation for Complex Multi-Domain Dynamical Systems,” American Control Conference, July 2019.* [PDF]
  27. Pangborn, H.C., Koeln, J.P. and Alleyne, A.G., “Passivity and Decentralized MPC of Switched Graph-Based Power Flow Systems,” American Control Conference, June 2018. [PDF] [Presentation]
  28. Docimo, D.J., Pangborn, H.C., and Alleyne, A.G., “Hierarchical Control for Electro-Thermal Power Management of an Electric Vehicle Powertrain,” ASME 2018 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2018. [PDF]
  29. Peddada, S.R.T., Herber, D.R., Pangborn, H.C., Alleyne A.G., and Allison J.T., “Optimal Flow Control and Single Split Architecture Exploration for Fluid-Based Thermal Management,” ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, August 2018. [PDF]
  30. Pangborn, H.C., Williams, M.A., Koeln, J.P. and Alleyne, A.G., “Graph-Based Hierarchical Control of Thermal Fluid Power Flow Systems,” American Control Conference, May 2017. [PDF]
  31. Koeln, J.P., Williams, M.A., Pangborn, H.C., and Alleyne, A.G., “Experimental Validation of Graph-Based Modeling for Thermal Fluid Power Flow Systems,” ASME 2016 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, October 2016. [PDF]
  32. Pangborn, H.C., Hey, J.E., Deppen, T.O., Alleyne, A.G., and Fisher, T.S., “Hardware-in-the-Loop Validation of Advanced Fuel Thermal Management Control,” 46th AIAA Thermophysics Conference, June 2016. [PDF]
  33. Pangborn, H. and Alleyne, A.G., “Switched Linear Control of Vapor Compression Systems Under Highly Transient Conditions,” American Control Conference, July 2016.* [PDF]
  34. Pangborn, H. and Alleyne, A.G., “Dynamic Modeling of Heat Exchangers with Humidity and Condensation,” ASME 2015 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, October 2015. [PDF]
  35. Pangborn, H., Brennan, S., and Reichard, K., “Development and Applications of a Robot Tracking System for NIST Test Methods,” Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium,Charlottesville, VA, April 26, 2013. [PDF]

*invited paper


  1. Siefert, J.A., "Reachability Analysis of Nonlinear and Hybrid Systems Using Hybrid Zonotopes and Graphs of Functions," PhD Dissertation, The Pennsylvania State University, December 2023.
  2. Dunford, C., “Development of a Scaled Experimental Testbed for Hybrid Electric Aircraft," Undergraduate Honors Thesis, The Pennsylvania State University, April 2023.
  3. Iezzi, A., “Integrated Modeling and Optimization of Hybrid-Electric Aircraft Power and Thermal Management Systems," M.S. Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, August 2022.
  4. Glunt, J., “Design of Arduino Instrumentation for a Thermal Management Testbed,” Undergraduate Honors Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, April 2022.
  5. Pangborn, H.C., “Hierarchical Control for Multi-Domain Coordination of Vehicle Energy Systems with Switched Dynamics,” Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2019. [PDF]
  6. Pangborn, H., “Dynamic Modeling, Validation, and Control for Vapor Compression Systems,” M.S. Thesis, Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, July 2015. [PDF]
  7. Pangborn, H., “Development and Applications of a Robot Tracking System for NIST Test Methods,” Undergraduate Honors Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, May 2013. [PDF]

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